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⟨gh⟩ is an English digraph consisting of the letters G and H. Generally in onset position it is sounded as a hard g sound, but in coda position it is silent or an f sound.

As silent letters[edit | edit source]

The combinations ⟨igh⟩, ⟨eigh⟩, and ⟨aigh⟩ always have silent ⟨gh⟩:

  • eigh/eɪ/: eight, freight, neighborAmE, neighbourBrE, weigh, weight;
    • Variation: ⟨aigh⟩ in straight.
  • igh⟩ as /aɪ/: bright, delight, fight, flight, fright, height, high, light, might, night, right, sigh, sight, slight, tight;
  • ugh⟩, after a consonant letter, sounds /ju:/, e.g. Hugh, Hughes,

The combination ⟨augh⟩ is mostly silent and ⟨ough⟩ may be silent:

  • augh⟩ is /ɔː/; caught, daughter, taught
  • ough⟩ is:
    • /ɔː/ bought, fought, nought, ought, sought, , thought;
    • /uː/: through, throughout;
    • /əʊ/: although, dough, though;
    • /aʊ/: drought;
  • Edinburgh /ˈedɪnbrə,BrE ˈedɪnbɜːrəAmE/

Finishing in /f/[edit | edit source]

As /g/[edit | edit source]

  • Ghana, ghastly, ghetto, ghost, ghoul, Pittsburgh, Singh, spaghetti, yoghurt

Simplifications[edit | edit source]

flow of cool air: draughtBrE, draftAmE
rough version: draft
  • /ˈhɪkʌp/: hiccough, preferred spelling is "hiccup"
  • /plaʊ/: plowAmE, ploughBrE
Informal spellings in American English
  • /ðəʊ/: though (formal), tho' (informal), tho (informal)
  • /θruː/: through (formal), thru (informal)

Compound words[edit | edit source]

gh sometimes occurs across syllable boundaries, where one syllable ends in g and the next begins with h. This is not a digraph. These include:

  • /gh/: doghouse, foghorn, jughead
  • /ŋh/: longhorn

Exception[edit | edit source]

The English place name Keighley is pronounced as /ˈki:θli/, so gh represents an unvoiced dental fricative /θ/.[1]

References[edit | edit source]