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Industrial revolution

From Teflpedia

The industrial revolution was a historical period of profound social, economic, and technological change that occurred in Britain and other parts of the world during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.[1] It marked the transition from agrarian economies to industrialised ones, characterised by the mechanisation of production processes, the development of factories, and the widespread adoption of new technologies, such as steam power and mechanised textile production.

The industrial revolution had a significant impact on the English language in several ways:

  1. Vocabulary expansion: The industrial revolution brought about numerous innovations and inventions, leading to the creation of new words and phrases to describe these developments. Terms related to machinery, manufacturing processes, and industrialisation entered the English lexicon during this period.
  2. language standardisation: As industrialisation led to increased urbanisation and migration of people from rural areas to cities, there was a need for a standardised form of English to facilitate communication in the workplace and among diverse populations. This helped solidify the dominance of Standard English as the primary dialect used in business, administration, and education.
  3. Changes in language use: The demands of industrialisation influenced the way English was used in various contexts. For example, written communication became more important with the rise of bureaucratic institutions and businesses, leading to greater emphasis on literacy skills. Additionally, the need for clear and concise communication in technical fields influenced the development of specialised jargon and technical vocabulary.

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