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From Teflpedia

The English Program in Korea (EPIK) is a programme sponsored by the South Korean government that recruits native English speakers to teach English in state schools across the country. EPIK is managed by the Korean Ministry of Education, and its primary goal is to improve English language education in Korean schools.

Its Korean name is 에픽 (Romanisation: Epik).

Here are some key points about EPIK:

  1. Eligibility: Generally, to be eligible for EPIK, applicants need to be native English speakers from countries where English is the primary language. They should also hold a bachelor's degree in any field.
  2. Contract period: The standard contract period for EPIK teachers is usually one year, with the possibility of renewal. Contracts typically start in late February or early March and August.
  3. Placement: EPIK teachers are placed in public schools throughout South Korea. The specific location is determined by the EPIK office based on the needs of the participating schools.
  4. Housing and Benefits: EPIK provides housing for its teachers, and salaries are competitive. In addition to the monthly salary, teachers usually receive benefits such as airfare reimbursement, severance pay, and health insurance.
  5. Orientation and training: EPIK conducts an orientation program to help teachers acclimate to Korean culture, teaching methods, and the education system. Training is provided to help teachers adapt to their new roles.
  6. Teaching assignments: Teachers may be assigned to work with co-teachers in Korean classrooms, and they are expected to assist in language education. The specific duties can vary, but they generally involve teaching conversational English.
  7. Application process: The application process typically involves submitting required documents, participating in interviews, and obtaining a visa.

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