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ᴘᴀʟᴍ vowel phoneme /ɑ:/

From Teflpedia

The ᴘᴀʟᴍ vowel phoneme is an English vowel phoneme consisting of the vowel sound most English speakers use for its keyword palm,[1] and all speakers use for its alternative keyword bra.[2]

Words in the ᴘᴀʟᴍ lexical set are pronounced with this vowel. In accents with the ʙᴀᴛʜ–ᴛʀᴀᴘ split, those in the ʙᴀᴛʜ lexical set are also pronounced with this vowel phoneme.

In British accents, this is considered a long vowel, though in North American accents this vowel length distinction isn’t important.

Pronunciation is as an open back unrounded vowel [ɑ].

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