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Template:Voiced and unvoiced sounds

From Teflpedia
Revision as of 15:07, 14 January 2014 by Ghoti (talk | contribs) (/w/ is voiced. /ʍ/ is voiceless, but I won't add it)
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Voiced sounds[edit source]

Description[edit source]

First let’s identify some “voiced” sounds. Put your fingers on your throat and say the words You should feel some vibration in your throat at the end of these words.

Enumeration[edit source]

Voiced sounds can be described or memorized. For some people memorization is easier than description or deduction.

The voiced sounds in English are all vowels and /b/, /d/, /ð/, /dʒ/, /g/, /j/, /l/, /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, /r/, /v/, /w/, /z/ and /ʒ/.

Unvoiced[edit source]

Description[edit source]

Now some “unvoiced” sounds. Say You should feel no vibration in your throat at the end of these words.

Enumeration[edit source]

Voiceless sounds can be described or memorized. For some people memorization is easier than description or deduction.

The voiceless sounds in English are /f/, /k/, /p/, /s/, /ʃ/, /t/, /tʃ/ and /θ/.