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Essay:Approach, method and strategy

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Introduction to methods, approaches and curricular strategies in second and foreign language teaching.

Some schools of methodology such as audio-lingual method, natural approach, suggestopedia and total physical response see the teacher as language model and commander of classroom activities whereas others such as communicative language teaching and cooperative language learning see the teacher as background facilitator and classroom colleague to the learners. The terms method and approach sometimes overlap when the term method becomes too broad or the term approach too narrow. Over the years, the intent has changed from trying to find a "best method" to settling on compatible approaches and then deciding on curricular strategies for actually doing what needs to be done in the classroom.

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The 1950s through 1980s were considered the "methods" period.


Dominant since the 1950s. Developed in the USA. This method is skills-based, allows no use of L1, and stresses memorization, repetition, tapes, and structure. Teacher role: language modeler & drill leader. Student role: pattern practicer & accuracy enthusiast. »Audiolingual

Counseling learning

From Rogerian Counseling (1951). Later by C. Curran (1970s). This method is part of the Humanistic technique. The teacher is the coach; the students are clients. »Counseling learning

Direct method

Made popular by Berlitz in the 1950s, allows only L2, uses everyday vocabulary, and stresses pronunciation. It is used in Community Language Learning, which features: Teacher role: counselor & paraphraser. Student role: collaborator & whole person. »Direct method

Grammar translation

Most popular before the 1940s. Actually, since the early 1900s, the direct method started to slowly replace it. It is still popular, however, in countries where reading is more important than communicating. »Grammar translation

Silent way

From Bruner (1966) to Gattegno (1990s) and referring to the teacher. Students are encouraged to produce as much as possible, to get the spirit of the language by exploring and practicing. »Silent way

Situational language teaching

A classical (oral) method that gave birth to many of today’s structuralist approaches (Firth, Halliday, etc.). Language is a purposeful activity toward a goal. Stress is on meaning, content, and situations. First used in the 1930s and further developed in England in the 1950s. It is an oral approach that views language as a purposeful activity toward goals. Teacher role: context setter & error corrector. Student role: memorizer & imitator. »Situational language teaching


Started in the 1970s by Lozanov, it takes an authoritative holistic but lexical approach and uses music and ambiance. It purports to be 25 times faster than other methods. Teacher role: auto-hypnotist & authority figure. Student role: relaxer & true-believer. »Suggestopedia

Total physical response (TPR)

Coordinates speech and action and draws on other sciences but its speech theorems are Palmers' (1925). The idea is to repeat during the L2 learning process what was used to learn L1. It is structure-based. Teacher role: commander & action monitor. Student role: order taker & performer. »Total physical response


Communicative language teaching (CLT)

Replaces the situational approach. Originally promoted by Howatt, at al., and more fully developed in the 1980s. See Notional Syllabuses (Wilkins, 1976). CLT comes in both "strong" and "weak". The intent is to capitalize on the collective smarts of the group and give everyone a chance to grow in appreciation of diversity. CLT advocates avoided prescribing the set of practices through which these principles could best be realized, thus putting CLT clearly on the approach rather than the method end of the spectrum. The assumptions are that: (a) Learners learn a language through using it to communicate, (b) authentic and meaningful communication should be the goal of classroom activities, (c) fluency is an important dimension of communication, (d) communication involves the integration of different language skills, and (e) learning is a process of creative construction and involves trial and error. Communicative language teaching spin-offs include: the natural approach, cooperative language learning, content-based teaching, and task-based teaching. Teacher role: needs analyst & task designer. Student role: improviser & negotiator. »Communicative language teaching

Competency-based language teaching

Competency-based language teaching is still a very popular outcome-based approach. The focus is on measurable and useable KSAs (knowledge, skills & abilities). It was promoted in the 1970s by Scheck and is still one of the most popular approaches. The intent is to be practical. »Competency-based language teaching

Content-based instruction

Promoted originally by Krahnke (1980s) but embraced by most all who teach language through content and meaning. (S. Krashen, 1982, & D. Nunan, 1989). The research on this is quite firm: teaching language for the sake of the language is not nearly as effective (when it comes to using it) as when taught as a means to an end. Its focus is on integrated skills, cooperative learning, and grouping strategies. The stress is on meaning rather than form. Its aim is to use authentic language and facilitate experiential learning. Using graphic organizers is a typical trademark of the process. »Content-based instruction

Cooperative (collaborative) learning

Cooperative learning (CL) is one of the oldest revolutionary methods. It was and still is against competition and stressed the values of cooperative learning. It was promoted since before 1900 and still is the dominant approach in schools without football teams. Olsen and Kagan are given credit for bring it back as an approach. It is a part of the collaborative approach. The intent is to be practical. Competition is replaced with team-based high performance. »Cooperative learning

Lexical approach

In 1997, Lewis stated, “the building blocks are not grammar, functions, notions, or some other unit of planning and teaching, but lexis, that is, words and word combinations.” Even Chomsky has recently adopted a “lexicon-is-prime” position in his minimalist linguistic theory (using collocations/chunks). »Lexical approach

Multiple intelligences

This learner-based approach was brought to popularity by Gardner (1993). It stresses that all dimensions of intelligence should be developed and not just those measured by IQ tests, i.e., language and logic. Gardner states that pedagogy is most successful when learner differences are acknowledged and factored into the process. »Multiple intelligences

Natural approach

Brought to us first by Terrell (1977) and then jointly by Krashen and Terrell (1983). Their book (with classroom procedures) titled Natural Approach should not be confused with the older “natural method” also called the “direct method”. The focus is on “input” rather than practice. Language is its lexicon, not its grammar. Teacher role: actor & props user. Student role: guesser & immerser. »Natural approach

Neurolinguistic programming

Since the 1970s, Grindler and Bandler intended this to be a step-by-step procedure that helps people improve themselves. Their study was a reflection of data gathered from successful analysts and professionals on methods used in dealing with their clients. »Neurolinguistic programming

Task-based language teaching

Task-based language teaching (TBLT) was said to be a logical development of communicative language teaching (Willis, 1996). It suggests real communication activities that carry out meaningful tasks, and stresses the importance of targeting these tasks to the individual student as much as possible. »Task-based language teaching

Whole language approach

This term was coined in the 1980s by a group of U.S. educators in reference to L1, but it wasn't until 1991 that Rigg made a firm stand against all fragmented approaches. He said, "If language isn't kept whole, it isn't language any more." The suggested focus is on using a tailored combination of the four aspects of language as often as possible. Its intent is to be functional and topical. »Whole language approach

Curricular strategies

The methods were linked to specific claims or theories and had prescribed practices. They have been criticized since the late 1980s but they are still popular in strict classrooms. "Approaches" are more general in nature. They have a set of beliefs and principles, but they have no clear application for classroom activities. Teachers and students are encouraged to be creative. The following strategies are intended to help foster and maintain that creativity.


Chalkboard (or whiteboard, poster board, projector etc.) is a strategy to provide visual structure during a lecture or discussion. »Chalkboard


Debate is a cooperative learning strategy in which students organize planned presentations for various viewpoints. »Debate

Dialog journal

Dialog journal is a strategy that uses journals as a way for students and their teachers to communicate regularly and carry on a private conversation. »Dialog journal

Field experience

Field experience is a planned learning experience in the community for students to observe, study, and participate in a real-life setting; FE uses the community as a laboratory. »Field experience


Flowchart is a graphic organizer strategy in which students depict positioning and role relationships. »Flowchart

Free writing

Free writing is a strategy for encouraging students to express ideas in writing. »Free writing

Graphic organizer

Graphic organizer is a visual representation of abstract concepts and processes; students transfer abstract information into a more concrete form. »Graphic organizer

Group read

Group read is sharing a reading to promote better understanding. »Group read

Interactive language task

Interactive language task is a strategy in which at least two students work together to accomplish a meaningful activity. »Interactive language task


Interview is for honing organizational and planning skills. »Interview


Jigsaw is a cooperative learning strategy in which everyone becomes an expert and shares learning so that eventually all group members know the content. »Jigsaw

Know - want to know - learned (K-W-L)

K-W-L is an introductory strategy that provided structure for recalling what the student knows regarding a topic, noting what the student wants to know, and finally listing what has been learned and is yet to be learned. »Know - want to know - learned

Laboratory investigation

Labortory investigation is a strategy that involve students with their environment. The students propose a question, develop a hypothesis, explore methods for investigating the question, choose one of the methods, then conduct research and draw conclusions based on the information gathered. »Laboratory investigation

Language experience approach

Life experience approach is a strategy in which students, as a group, describe an experience in their own words orally (using a first or second language) as the teacher records their history. The story serves as the basis for follow-up activities. »Language experience approach

Learning cycle

Learning cycle is a sequence of lessons designed to have students engage in exploratory investigations, construct meaning out of their findings, propose tentative explanations and solutions, and relate concepts to their own understanding. »Learning cycle

Learning log

Learning log is a strategy to develop structured writing. »Learning log

Literature, history and storytelling

Literature, history and storytelling is a process for using scientists' autobiographies and biographies to connect social context to their data. History comes alive through the eyes of a scientist. »Literature, history, and storytelling


Mini-museum is a strategy for creating a focused exhibit. »Mini-museum


Modeling is a representation of a concept: may be concrete, such as a ball-and-stick model of an atom, or abstract like a model of weather systems. »Modeling

Numbered heads together

Numbered heads together is a cooperative strategy in which students work in small groups to review information. »Numbered heads together

Predict, observe, explain

Predict, observe, explain is a strategy in which the teacher shows the class a situation and asks them to predict what will happen when a change is made. »Predict, observe, explain

Problem solving

Problem solving is a strategy in which students apply knowledge to solve problems. This approach facilitates scientific thinking. »Problem solving

Reflective thinking

Reflective thinking deals with reflecting or thinking about what was learned after a specific lesson . . . an activity usually finished by writing about it. »Reflective thinking

Role-play and simulation

Role-play and simulation allow students to assume the identity of another person. Simulations further use role-playing to involve students in situations that require a group of people with two or more points of view to formulate a common decision. »Role-play and simulation

Think, pair and share

Think, pair and share is a cooperative strategy to help students develop their own ideas and build on the ideas of others. »Think, pair and share

Total physical response (TPR)

Total physical response is a language-teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action; it attempts to teach language through physical activity. »Total physical response

Venn diagram

Venn diagram is a graphic organizer strategy for creating a visual analysis of information representing similarities and differences between concepts, objects, etc. »Venn diagram


Webbing is a graphic organizer strategy that provides a visual of how words or phrases connect to a topic. »Webbing

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