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William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare (/wɪlɪəm ʃeɪkspɪə/, 1564 – 1616) was an English playwright. Shakespeare is widely considered the foremost author of the English language due to his relative antiquity and quality of his work.
Shakespeare wrote comedies, such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Twelfth Night, and Much Ado about Nothing, histories such as Henry IV, Part I and Part II, Richard III, and Henry V, and tragedies such as Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth.
Although written in modern English, the language use is somewhat archaic, and so graded reader adaptations are available, e.g. [1]. Others have both the original text alongside parallel contemporary English text. Others have retellings, which might not be in stage play format.
Shakespeare was responsible for many then-neologisms, and idioms.[2]
Teflpedia has some Shakespeare conversation questions.