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Voiced velar nasal [ŋ]

From Teflpedia
How to do it.

The voiced velar nasal [ŋ] is a consonant phone.

Features[edit | edit source]

Its manner of articulation is a nasal consonant. The sound is produced by allowing the airflow to pass through the nasal cavity. The oral cavity is blocked by the back of the tongue against the soft palate (velum), so the air is directed through the nose.

Its place of articulation is the velum. The sound is articulated with the back of the tongue (the dorsum) against the soft part of the roof of the mouth (the velum).

Classification[edit | edit source]

nasal consonant

Representation[edit | edit source]

Its IPA number is 119. Its IPA symbol is a lowercase N with hooky thing, ⟨ŋ⟩.

English[edit | edit source]

In English, this is the standard pronunciation of the NG phoneme /ŋ/.

References[edit | edit source]