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From Teflpedia

SAMPA (/sæmpə/; Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet) is a computer-readable phonetic script using ASCII characters, based on the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). These characters are found in almost every keyboard in the world.

Originally SAMPA was used when no IPA characters were available for computers. For example IPA transcription systems for English uses SAMPA, even though currently IPA symbols can be typed on webpages. Currently SAMPA may be used in chats or forums, when typing IPA characters would be too lengthy.

All IPA symbols that coincide with lower-case letters of the Latin alphabet remain the same. The rest are shown here (only for English).

SAMPA IPA symbol IPA name Description and examples
A ɑ script a open back unrounded, English start, palm
{ æ ae ligature near-open front unrounded, English trap
Q ɒ turned script a open back rounded, British English lot
E ɛ epsilon open-mid front unrounded, English dress, French même
@ ə schwa (turned e) schwa, English about /@"baUt/, comma, letter
3 ɜ reversed epsilon long mid central, English nurse
I ɪ small capital I lax close front unrounded, English kit
O ɔ turned c (open o) open-mid back rounded, English thought, north
U ʊ upsilon lax close back rounded, English foot
} ʉ barred u close central rounded, Swedish sju, Estuary English goose
V ʌ turned v open-mid back unrounded, English strut
D ð eth voiced dental fricative, English then
N ŋ eng velar nasal, English thing
r\ ɹ turned r alveolar approximant, English rose[1]
S ʃ esh voiceless palatoalveolar fricative, English ship
T θ theta voiceless dental fricative, English thin
Z ʒ ezh (yogh) voiced palatoalveolar fricative, English measure /"mEZ@r/
Other symbols
: ː length mark (triangular colon) length mark
" ˈ vertical stroke primary stress
% low vertical stroke secondary stress

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