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Phonemic transcription
Phonemic transcription (/fəni:mɪk trænskrɪpʃən/) is a type of transcription, i.e. a process where text (spoken or written) is transcribed into writing, in this case using phonemic symbols.
Note that this differs somewhat from phonetic transcription due to the phone–phoneme distinction.
In English, it is common to use English phonemic symbols as found in the phonemic chart.
Phonemic transcriptions are often found in dictionary entries. There are sets of these that are commonly used, such as the Gimson symbols.
Even so, different transcribers may produce slightly different transcriptions from the same text, depending on individual accent.
Phonemic transcription is marked between forward slash brackets. In IPA Braille, the brackets are marked with 45+34 ⠘⠌.