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Nominative case
The nominative case or simply nominative, also known as the subjective case or simply subjective, is a grammatical case found in English and other related languages. In English, it is a pronoun case.
This is the case that syntactically is used for subjects. In English, pronouns are inflected for case, i.e. the subject pronouns (i.e. I, you, he, she, it, one, we, they). Note that you is both the nominative and accusative form in the second person. Generally in English, syntactic function is marked by word order.
Occasionally object pronouns are used in the nominative, notably e.g. “Me and my friend went to the park.” We need an article on this, somewhere… how about nominative me
Other languages, notably German and Latin, have more extensive case systems. Because traditional grammar is based on Latin, traditional grammars may overemphasise the importance of case.
In linguistics notation, the nominative case is abbreviated NOM.