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A nickname (/ˈnɪkneɪm/) is a name that is a substitute for the proper name of a familiar person.
In some learning cultures, such as China, it is common for students to adopt English nicknames to use while learning English. They may be given these by a teacher, parent, or choose their own nickname. This forms part of their learner identity, and is somewhat personal to the students, but something that some students like to play with. Conversely, some students may be very attached to their L1 name, and not want to change it. There are also potential grounds for criticism within critical race theory;[1] maybe.[2] Given all this, it’s probably best not to pressure students into using English nicknames, but be accepting of the phenomenon if they choose to use them.
Anglicising the pronunciation (and maybe spelling) of common western European names is also quite common. For example, Georg (German /ˈɡeː.ɔk/) might become George (English /ʤɔ:ʤ/).
One consequence of letting students choose their own names however is that you will end up with a lot of females called Lily or Sunny. You might also end up with people using names typically used for the opposite social gender. And then some really strange names such as “Zstar,” or “God.”