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Magic E

From Teflpedia

Magic E is the letter E when used as the second letter in an English split vowel digraph. Magic E is a magic letter along with magic Y.

Magic E has the effect of changing the preceding vowel from a short vowel to a long vowel; “magic E makes the vowel say its name.” If the letter is C or G, it also softens it from a hard letter (hard C, hard G) to a soft letter (soft C, soft G), e.g. macmace, sagsage. A notable exception to this rule is tiger (and liger) which retain the hard G sound.

It has its own song.[1]

Grapheme Example word(s)
b babe
ce ace
ch ache
d fade
f safe
g tiger
ge sage
k sake
l sale
m same
n sane
p ape
s case
st haste
t mate
v cave
z haze

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