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From Teflpedia

Information is “Things that are or can be known about a given topic”[1] It is a concept important in the philosophy of language.[2]

The purpose of language is often to exchange information.

In English, the word information is an obligatory mass noun. In many related languages, the word meaning “information” is a cognate derived from Latin īnfōrmātiōnem. So we have French information (f), Spanish información (f), German Information (f), Italian informazione (f), Portuguese informação (f), Dutch informatie (f), Swedish information (c), Danish information (c), Norwegian informasjon (c), etc. In many of these languages, the word for information is a count noun, and this can be a source of language errors.

In an information gap activity, often used in language teaching, one participant lacks complete information and needs to ask other participant(s) to obtain that information.
