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From Teflpedia
u-e is a split vowel digraph found in English.
This quite reliably represents long U sound before most letters. This is accompanied by a yod sound if the sound before is /b/, /f/, /g/, /h/, /k/, /m/, /p/, or /v/. Sometimes with /n/ and /d/ (but yod dropping).
- lube, tube
- puce
- dude
- G: huge
- gu: fugue
- puke, fluke
- rule
- flume
- tune
- dupe
- qu: tuque
- use, fuse
- mute
- interfluve
- fuze
Before R[edit | edit source]
With R, this represents ᴄᴜʀᴇ vowel phoneme /ʊə/, with an R in rhotic accents, e.g. cure, pure, etc. This is covered at ⟨ure⟩.
High frequency exceptions[edit | edit source]
Lettuce has the ᴋɪᴛ vowel, as does minute (unit of time).
Include: busy.
Note that debuted, which is a French-to-English loan, is conjugated from debut (via French début) so is ⟨d⟩⟨e⟩⟨b⟩⟨ut⟩{ed}