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o-e is a split vowel digraph found in English, consisting of the letters O and E.

Magic E[edit | edit source]

With Magic E, this reliable represents the ɢᴏᴀᴛ vowel phoneme /əʊ/.

  • B: lobe
  • D lode
  • gu: rogue
  • K: woke
  • L: stole
  • M: home
  • N: hone
  • P: hope
  • ph: trophy[1]
  • qu: roque, toque
  • S: hose, nose
  • T: note, rote
  • Th: clothe[2]
  • V: stove
  • Z: froze, doze, cloze.

Exceptions[edit | edit source]

  • With gu but ending -logue, e.g. dialogue, or -gogue, e.g. synagogue, produces a short O sound.
  • With qu, often but not always, e.g. baroque, monocoque, etc.
  • With ch, when of French origin, with ch pronounced as sh sound e.g. brioche, cloche.
  • High frequency words actually ending in the digraph ⟨ve⟩: above, dove (the bird), love, glove, shove
  • Words ending in ⟨ne⟩: some, done, gone, none.
  • one is /ˈwɒn/, shone is /ˈʃɒn/. Scone may be pronounced /ˈskɒn/.
  • move /mu:v/ and prove /pru:v/, lose and whose, plus, the town of Frome /fru:m/.

Not containing this digraph[edit | edit source]

E is pronounced in words of Greek origin: apostrophe, catastrophe, epitome, hyperbole. And also adobe.

References[edit | edit source]