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From Teflpedia

⟨cu⟩ is an English consonant digraph, similar to ⟨bu⟩, ⟨gu⟩ and ⟨qu⟩.

This occurs in words like biscuit, cuisine, evacuate, innocuous and vacuum.[1][2][3][4]

Sometimes the U is pronounced; sometimes it is not.

  • As /k/, e.g. biscuit, circuit
  • As /kw/, e.g. cuisine
  • As /kju:/, e.g. evacuate, vacuole, vacuum, innocuous

The sequence ⟨cu⟩ also occurs as ⟨c⟩+⟨u⟩, e.g. cut, cup, cusp etc. This is not an instance of this digraph, but of two independent monographs.

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