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From Teflpedia
⟨aw⟩ is a vowel digraph that occurs in English. This very reliably represents the ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ vowel phoneme /ɔː/.
⟨awe⟩, ⟨awl⟩ and ⟨awer⟩ are dealt with separately.
/ɔː/[edit | edit source]
- awful, awkward, bawdy, brawl, claw, coleslaw, crawfish (also crayfish), crawl, dawn, draw, drawer /drɔːr/, flaw, hawk, jaw, law, lawn, macaw, paw, pawn, prawn, raw, saw, scrawny, spawn, straw, thaw, withdraw, yawn
Different syllables[edit | edit source]
- /əw/: away, aware, award, awry, Delaware, Hawaii
- /ɑːw/: Malawi
Variant pronunciations[edit | edit source]
- lawyer /ˈlɔːjər, ˈlɔɪər/[1]
Homophones[edit | edit source]
- claws/clause; paws/pause;