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a-e is a split vowel digraph commonly found in English consisting of A and E.
With magic E[edit | edit source]
With magic E, this digraphs represents the diphthong /eɪ/ sound, when a stressed syllable:
- b: babe
- c: ace
- ch: ache
- d: fade
- f: safe
- g: sage
- gu: plague
- k: sake
- l: sale
- m: same
- n: sane
- p: ape
- qu: opaque
- s: base
- st: waste
- t: ate
- [[th]: swathe
- v: save
- z: raze
Unstressed syllables[edit | edit source]
Unstressed syllables are subject to vowel reduction, particularly with -ate and -age, e.g. advantage, adequate.
Also carcase.
With R:[edit | edit source]
With R it becomes the diphthong /eə/, e.g. fare, tare. However, exception, are.
With S[edit | edit source]
Some words with S have voicing, but some don’t.
- Not: case, base, chase
- Yes: phase, erase, etc.
With ch[edit | edit source]
With ch in some words of French origin, ch is pronounced as an unvoiced palato-alveolar sibilant /ʃ/ and the A is a short a sound. Examples: cache, moustache, etc.
Words that don’t contain this digraph[edit | edit source]
Apache does not contain an a-e digraph, and is pronounced /əˈpæ.ʧi:/
Silent E[edit | edit source]